Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's Not Every Day the CBO Gives You a Good Laugh

But I couldn't help but giggle when the news came out the CBO's estimate of the costs of the Baucus health care bill came back under estimates AND with the added benefit that it would lower the deficit over the long haul. Kind of goes against the GOP storyline that Democrats' spending would bankrupt the country. Instead, health insurance reform looks like the wise investment it really is.

With the CBO scoring the bill so favorably, I can't see how real health insurance reform won't happen. The less apparent and more important thing, though, is that this exponentially increases the chance of a robust public option being included in the final bill. The Baucus bill is deficient on that point, but we now have a bill that can get through the Senate and eventually be merged with House legislation that does include a strong public insurance option.

It's been a beautiful mess, but it'll be worth it.

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